The PMI Keystone Chapter is excited to mix up your days with our Fall Professional Development Day (PDD)! We are currently looking for additional presenters and instructors. Presenters do not have to be a member of PMI or the PMI Keystone Chapter to present. This event will be 100% online and held on November 7th, 14th, and 21st. The intent is to provide the chapter members with opportunities to sharpen their project management skills, learn new concepts and ideas, interact with peers from various industries, and also earn PDU credits at an economical cost. This is particularly important in these current virtual times, as achieving these goals is a new challenge for all. The theme of the PDD is Adapting to a New Normal - how Project Managers are adapting to a post pandemic work environment.


The event will occur from 8:45am-1:30pm each day and each speaker should be prepared to present for 30-40 minutes with a short Q&A session following. The presentations will be recorded and edits shown on our website, social media accounts such as LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, etc. This is a fantastic opportunity to build awareness of any speaker brand to an organization of over 1,200 individuals locally and over 600,000 individuals globally.


Fall 2020 PDD has three tracks:

-Technical Project Management.


-Strategic and Business Management.


What is in it for you: 

- PDU Credits, to PMI members, for preparing and presenting

- Opportunity to meet and work with like-minded professionals

- Opportunity to learn about a new and unique way to network in the current times


Instructor Requirements and Suggestions: 

- Presenters must be able to demonstrate a working knowledge of the materials they plan to present.

- You need not be a professional Presenters, but you must be proficient in teaching an adult education course and leading discussions and workshop exercises. Some of our most successful presenters have been first-time presenters.

- Project Management products may not be advertised or promoted; however, products may be used to demonstrate principles, illustrate points, or show processes.

- Backup presenters are welcome and greatly appreciated. Occasionally, presenters withdraw from an engagement so if you can present your material on short notice, please sign up as a backup instructor.

The call for presenters is officially open!

This will be the first time this event will be fully virtual. Help show that you can adapt to the current challenges that face us! With approximately 100 registered attendees last year, the event exceeded our expectations and our evaluation results were overwhelmingly positive, so we certainly do not want to take this opportunity away from anyone! The value of PMI Keystone PDDs is provided entirely by our presenters and sponsors, from whom we have received excellent support!
Presenters are asked to submit an abstract that aligns with one of the three track topics, while sticking to the overall theme.

DEADLINE: Sign up now! The Call for Presentations closes on October 31st.

Please contact Sunil Satish at and/or Ray Kerney at to submit a presentation and/or Sponsorship Opportunities