March 2022 - York Area Hosted - PMI Keystone Chapter - Virtual Event
TOPIC: Project Governance – Trust, but Verify
PRESENTATION SUMMARY: Trust is based on two factors: 1) my belief that you know what you are doing, and 2) my ability to know that you are doing it. We are all human, project managers included. And, as such, we are subject to self-deception and communication bias. Not to suggest at all that PMs positively spin status reporting maliciously or with intent to deceive. Rather, PMs, like all of us, are often confident they can resolve impending issues without the need to request help. Effective project governance requires a process to ensure that status reporting is accurate and unbiased and that issues raised by project team members reach the project sponsor without filtering. In this presentation, we will discuss a process and tool to ensure that project status reports always reflect the true state of every project.
This event will also include a demonstration of TrueProject ™, developed by CAI.
SPEAKER: John Bowen
More Details: March_3_2022_Flyer_York-Hosted-Virtual_Event-PMI-Keystone-Chapter.pdf
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