Use this form to provide us with your feedback!


Are you a PMI or PMI Keystone member?

Please rate your experience on our website?

If other than Satisfied, please give more details about your rating:

Did you accomplish the goal for your visit today?

Tell us about the ease of your navigation:

What was the purpose of your visit today, please be specific? (e.g., looking for information about the Board members; looking for calendar events):

For your purpose on our website,

Please feel free to give other comments that may help us improve your website experience with our site. Or, if you are not a member, please, also, provide any comments that may help us steer your consideration to join us (in other words, what could peak your interest to join us):

(optional) Please give your contact information (name, company, and email address):

Thank you for your time.

All of the fields must be filled.

All required boxes must be checked

Thank you for filling out the form. A PMI representative will contact you shortly with more information.