Carlisle Branch - Organizing Chaos with Mind Maps - Virtual Event

Ways of Working

PMI Keystone Chapter

Carlisle Branch

Professional Speaker and Networking Event Series

Date:  March 31, 2022 6.30 – 8PM ONLINE VIRTUAL SESSION

Organizing Chaos with Mind Maps


Topic                     :    Carlisle Branch PMI Meeting - Organizing Chaos with Mind Maps


Presentation Description


Mind mapping is a powerful tool for organizing the chaos we face every day, allowing us to fully expand and analyze complexities without getting caught up in a forest of noise. Imagine never losing another detail during team syncs, drawing insightful solutions during client calls, and aligning everyone on product feature designs before writing a line of code.

In this workshop you will learn:

  • What is mind mapping and why it’s useful
  • What you need to get started
  • Techniques and best practices
  • How to turn your maps into output, such as daily to-do’s, meeting follow ups, and product design blueprints

Please be prepared to: 

  • Bring a piece of printing sized paper or notebook and pen (erasable preferred but regular pen is fine)
  • Engage with your fellow attendees as there will be a breakout session!

We will leave ample time at the end for answering your specific use case questions based on what you’re working on.


Presenter            : Sheng Huang

Sheng Huang is a mind map and lifestyle YouTuber based in San Francisco, for now. He is an immigrant kid from Shanghai who grew up in the Bay Area, went to UC Berkeley and worked for companies like Deloitte, Google and Niantic Labs before leaving the cushy Silicon Valley life to pursue new adventures in London.

Over the course of his colorful tech career, Sheng has gained a diverse set of mindsets ranging from product management, business development, operations and venture working in America, Europe, Middle East, Japan, Korea, and China. 

Today, he helps working professionals discover their own balance of internal mastery and external curiosity through the Silver & Steel project ( and connects innovative thinkers together through Mind Map Nation (





CREDITS               :  Attendees must enter the 1 PDU for the monthly meetings into the CCRS system. PDUs for monthly meetings do not get updated automatically for attendees.





It is no longer possible to register for this event

It is no longer possible to register for this event


Type of category: Online Event

Type of activity: Ways of Working

Date: March 31st, 2022

Hour: 6:30PM to 8:00PM

# of PDUs: 1


Students: Free

Members: Free

Non members and Guests: Free
