PMI Keystone Lehigh Valley event - Power Skills and The Project Economy: The Future of Project Leadership

Ways of Working

PMI Keystone Chapter

Lehigh Valley Branch

Professional Speaker and Networking Event Series

Date:  May 18 2023 6.30 – 8PM ONLINE VIRTUAL SESSION

Power Skills and The Project Economy: The Future of Project Leadership 


Topic                     : Power Skills and The Project Economy: The Future of Project Leadership


Presentation Description

Power Skills, defined by the PMI, facilitate the process of delivering value to the organization. The Project Economy, a global phenomenon stemming from the Fourth Industrial Revolution, calls for organizations to leverage the project management discipline to realize strategic goals. In this presentation, we will explore the intersection of Power Skills and The Project Economy. The top five Power Skills, endorsed by the PMI, will be described as well as how they forge emerging Project Economy. The challenges and possibilities are investigated as to how today’s project managers can begin to strengthen their Power Skills. Our presentation will end with a consideration of the future and what the organization and the project leader of tomorrow will be.



Power Skills – What are they?

The Top Five Power Skills

What is The Project Economy and Why is it Important?

How do Power Skills influence The Project Economy?

What are the challenges for today’s project managers?

How can today’s project managers strengthen their Power Skills?

Where are we going? – What is the future for the organization and the project leader of tomorrow?


Presenter            :   Dr. John Clark, PMP 


Dr. Clark is a highly experienced management consultant, project manager, and information technology professional with over two decades of experience in the public and private sectors. He is a certified Project Management Professional (PMP) and an Authorized Training Provider (ATP). He has a proven track record of successfully delivering projects on time and within budget. He has a wealth of knowledge and expertise in procurement, budgeting, and information technology. He has taught at Harrisburg University since 2017. He is currently conducting research in The Project Economy and AI in the project management discipline. Dr. Clark is a sought-after lecturer, author, instructor, and project leader.



CREDITS               :  Attendees must enter the 1 PDU for the monthly meetings into the CCRS system. PDUs for monthly meetings do not get updated automatically for attendees.





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Type of category: Online Event

Type of activity: Ways of Working

Date: May 18th, 2023

Hour: 6:30PM to 8:00PM

# of PDUs: 1


Students: Free

Members: Free

Non members and Guests: Free
