York Branch: January 2020 Meeting - 1/23/20

Where: Penn State University - York Campus (1031 Edgecomb Avenue, York, PA 17403), In the Joe & Rosie Rulh Student Community Center Building, In the 1st floor Community Room

Topic: Power and Politics in Project Management

Talent Triangle: 1 PDU - (0.5 Leadership & 0.5 Technical)

Description:  Without Power, project managers can accomplish very little. As organizations and projects have become more complex and as project managers become more dependent on more and more persons over whom they do have formal authority, they increasingly need power to influence the behavior of others. There can be no argument that effective performance by project managers requires them to be skilled at the acquisition and use of social power.”

Yourker, Robert (1991). Power and politics in project management. PM Network, 5(4), 36–40.

Consequently, the purposes of this workshop are:

  1. To study various forms of social power such as positional, informational, relational, situational, etc. and about methods how to create resources (and power) from scratch.
  1. To learn about an interrelationship between resources and power and about methods how to create resources (and power) from scratch.
  1. To introduce VRIO (Value, Rareness, Imitability, Organization) Analysis as a framework for the evaluation of Project Manager’s resources and capabilities. 
  1. To discuss best practices for the project managers on how to acquire and use power.

Presenter:  Alexsandr Sorokin, PMP

Dress Code:  Dress code is business or business casual

Cost:  Free to Members of PMI Keystone Chapter and Penn State University Students; $5.00 for Non-members

The PMI Keystone Chapter or its representatives may take photographs and/or videos at this event. By registering, you agree that the PMI Keystone Chapter may use such images of you with or without your name, in any format, and for any lawful purpose, including, but not limited to, publicity, illustration, adverstising, Web and Social Media content.

PDUs:  PDUs are to be self-reported by attendees and are not created automatically. Upon request, a certificate will be emailed to indicate completion of 1 PDU (0.1 CEU).

Contact:  For questions please email york-manager@pmi-keystone.org or call Debra Hanzlik at 860-384-5479.




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It is no longer possible to register for this event


Type of category: Branch Meeting

Date: January 23rd, 2020

Hour: 6:00PM to 8:00PM

# of PDUs: 0


Members: Free

Non members and Guests: Free


Penn State York