Lehigh Valley Branch ("Simplifying Leadership through T.R.U.S.T." ) - Copy

Ways of Working

PMI Keystone Chapter

Lehigh Valley Branch

Professional Speaker and Networking Event Series

Date:  Jan 21 2021 6.30 – 8PM ONLINE VIRTUAL SESSION

Simplifying Leadership through T.R.U.S.T.


Topic                     :    Simplifying Leadership through T.R.U.S.T.


Presentation Description

When it comes to leadership, you need to be confident with your own abilities (TRUST yourself), establish processes that will help lead you to success (TRUST your plan) and build relationships with your team members to foster a positive work culture (TRUST your team and gain their TRUST in return). TRUST is not a given, it needs to be earned, nurtured and developed over time through words and actions.
The good news is that TRUST can be developed, maintained and even strengthened with focus on the 5-aspects of the TRUST Model:
Transparency: In positive relationships there are no hidden agendas. Each party knows the sincerity of the person they are dealing with and can address difficult situations in a genuine manner.
Results: Yes, end results are the bottom-line, but the quality of the journey makes a difference. Were clear expectations set? Were short-term milestones set and reached? Was the right amount of coaching given to ensure success?
Understanding: In good times or bad, understanding the motivation behind a person’s actions allows for the appropriate amount of empathy, support or direction moving forward.
Simplify. We all have a lot going on, so recognizing priorities and utilizing your calendar appropriately will help you increase productivity and focus your attention on areas where it’s most valuable.
Team Focus: Being a leader means it’s not all about you. High-performing leaders typically spread credit for successes and assume responsibility for failures. The bottom line is that if the team succeeds, the leader succeeds.
Separately and collectively, each aspect of the “TRUST Leadership Model” outlined above can be developed and become the foundation of a culture necessary to build an engaged and loyal workforce that will bring out the best in everyone.?

Presenter            : Ken Sher



Ken Sher is President of Sher Coaching and developer of the “TRUST Success Model”After nearly 25 years at Johnson & Johnson in various capacities, including positions of Sales Leadership, Marketing Leadership, Sales Training, Johnson & Johnson Sales Recruiting, and 3 different Learning & Development teams... one global organization... Ken is dedicated to sharing his knowledge and experience to improve individual and team performance by focusing on Executive Coaching and Career Management.  


Johnson & Johnson is known for having a world class Leadership development program in addition to having great consumer, pharmaceutical and medical diagnostic and device products. Ken is fortunate to have received that training as he moved up within the company and then leading teams that designed, developed and delivered Leadership Development training to multiple levels of J & J leadership. And now he shares that knowledge and experience as an in demand public speaker.

Ken is a member of the Five O’clock Club, the Life Sciences Trainers & Educators Network (LTEN) and the Association for Talent Development (ATD) and a member of the National Speakers Association Academy.
Ken practices what he teaches about developing a healthy work/life balance and enjoys spending time with his wife Nancy and their 3 grown children. Ken may be contacted at ken@shercoaching.com or http://www.linkedin.com/in/kensher or shercoaching.com


CREDITS               :  Attendees must enter the 1 PDU for the monthly meetings into the CCRS system. PDUs for monthly meetings do not get updated automatically for attendees.





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Type of category: Online Event

Type of activity: Ways of Working

Date: January 21st, 2021

Hour: 6:30PM to 8:00PM

# of PDUs: 1


Students: Free

Members: Free

Non members and Guests: Free
