York Branch: October 2019 Meeting

Where: Yorkview Hall (5th Floor) of Willman Business Center, York College of Pennsylvania @ 441 Country Club Rd, York PA 17403

Topic: Mind The Gap: Managing Motivation In Your Organization

Talent Triangle: Strategic and Business Management - 1 PDU

Description:  Being motivated at work allows us to succeed.  And yet, often there are barriers, seen and unseen, that frustrate our ability to be persistently motivated. These frustrations, generated by the gap between personal expectations and organizational reality sap our ability to stay on the path of success. Like a hiker on a long trail, we ask "how can I keep at this?!" In this extension of his "Leadership Lessons from an AT Thru-Hike," Kendall provides a framework for seeing the sources of demotivation and provides insight from management theory on how you can manage your motivation within your environment. 

Learning Objective: Participants will learn a method of identifying organizational cultural tendencies that may be sources of demotivation for them or their project teams. With this information, they will have more confidence in finding ways to manage their motivation to be more successful at work, individually, and as managers and leaders.

Presenter:  Kendall Lott

Dress Code:  Dress code is business or business casual

Cost:  Free to Members of PMI Keystone Chapter and York College Students; $5.00 for Non-members

The PMI Keystone Chapter or its representatives may take photographs and/or videos at this event. By registering, you agree that the PMI Keystone Chapter may use such images of you with or without your name, in any format, and for any lawful purpose, including, but not limited to, publicity, illustration, adverstising, Web and Social Media content.

PDUs:  PDUs are to be self-reported by attendees and are not created automatically. Upon request, a certificate will be emailed to indicate completion of 1 PDU (0.1 CEU).

Contact:  For questions please email york-manager@pmi-keystone.org or call Debra Hanzlik at 860-384-5479




It is no longer possible to register for this event

It is no longer possible to register for this event


Type of category: Branch Meeting

Date: October 3rd, 2019

Hour: 6:00PM to 8:00PM

# of PDUs: 0


Members: Free

Non members and Guests: Free


York College