Virtual Event - October 2020 - York Managed
PRESENTATION SUMMARY: What is stopping you from pursuing your PMI-PMP certification? PMI-Keystone Chapter has 1221 members total as of October 2020, including 68 new members and 793 PMI-PMP members. Does EVMS frighten you? Do not let it! Does your company not use the EVM terms? Maybe not, but I am certain that your company is concerned with scope, schedule and budget and manages that. I am also certain that your status reports somehow show under or over budget, ahead of or behind schedule and within scope or not. So, you can relate to these EVMS terms and concepts and maybe you are in a phased tailoring of EVMS. Why not get ahead of that phased adoption? Do you want EVMS in your project management tool chest? If you are thinking about working for/with the Government, you will be required to use EVMS! We will build a fence and talk EVMS terms to help you get one step closer to earning that PMI-PMP and take the scariness out of EVMS.
During the Q&A session there will be a poll, asking if you use EVMS terms in your company. So, if you already have a PMI-PMP and/or use EVMS terms in your company, please also join us. Share your valuable EVMS insight during the Q&A session and support our other chapter members and local area college students on their project management journey.
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