PMI Keystone Chapter - Virtual Monthly Event - February 2021 - York Managed

Ways of Working

TOPIC: How Audits Can Help Identify Projects and Assist Project Managers

PRESENTATION SUMMARY:  Projects are prioritized to make the best of a company's resources.   Most are designed to address issues that and improve the company's operation.  Audits may provide input to what projects may be the most advantageous and help to provide input into the effectiveness in meeting the goals of the project.  This presentation is designed to help project managers consider the value of audits in performing their work.

PRESENTER:  Helen Gerhard

Helen Gerhard, a member of PMI, has spent over 25 years working in various Quality roles, including management, supply chain, and auditing.  Helen received her B.S. in Chemistry from the University of Colorado, Colorado Springs.  She holds a M.B.A. in Technology Management from the University of Phoenix, a graduate certificate in Government Contracting from Webster University, and is certified through the American Chemical Society as a Manager of Quality/Organizational Excellence.  She also is certified both by ASQ and Exemplar Global as Certified Quality Lead Auditor.  In 2011 she started her own consulting firm and since 2014, has worked primarily as a first, second, and third-party auditor.  Helen has been both a lead as well as a team member on projects that have included development of quality systems, design of products, and development of software for tracking corrective actions.





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Type of category: Online Event

Type of activity: Ways of Working

Date: February 4th, 2021

Hour: 6:30PM to 8:00PM

# of PDUs: 1


Students: Free

Members: Free

Non members and Guests: Free
