Lehigh Valley Branch : Stories that Drive Successful Projects
PMI Keystone Chapter
Lehigh Valley Branch
Professional Speaker and Networking Event Series
Date: July 15th 2021 6.30 – 8PM ONLINE VIRTUAL SESSION
Stories that Drive Successful Projects
Topic : Lehigh Valley PMI Meeting - Stories that Drive Successful Projects
Presentation Description
Welcome to Projectland:
The Project Gurus’
Ultimate Guide for Beginners
Dawn’s stories from her years of working with top brands around the world and hands-on experience leading projects across industries will resonate with everyone who has ever participated in or led a project. This interactive experience will also get you thinking about your own career stories that can help amplify your leadership profile.
Part manuscript reading, part feedback session, part networking event, we will:
- Discuss how storytelling skills can help your career
- Listen to Dawn’s read a few of her favorite stories from her upcoming manuscript, Welcome to Projectland
- Break out into small groups to network and discuss which stories resonated most with you and why (often triggering memories of your own unique experiences and stories!)
- Participate in a poll to report on your favorites and see how they compare to other participants
- Welcome feedback on the stories that could shape how they show up in the book
- Get your name listed in Dawn’s upcoming book as a contributor!
Based on the success of Dawn’s recent private manuscript reading sessions, this is the first time she is opening up the opportunity to be listed in her book as a contributor through a PMI chapter. Don’t miss this opportunity to earn a PDU, enjoy stories, networking and see your name in a book! Invite a friend or colleague who is a fellow ambitious professional or book
Dawn Mahan, PMP is Founder of PMOtraining.com and its divisions the Project Guru Academy and The Project Gurus. Before leaving a project leadership role in the Fortune 50 in 2009, she was a Fortune 500 PMO leader, a Senior Business/IT Consultant, Assistant Actuary and Biostatistician. Today she is an international speaker, award-winning consultant and inventor of the ProjectFlo® Process Learning System, which uses gamification, design thinking and storytelling to make learning PMI’s complex process fun. She coined the term “Projectland” and her work has been featured in international press such as MarketWatch, Morningstar, Yahoo! Finance. She is author of the upcoming book: Welcome to Projectland: The Project Gurus’ Ultimate Guide for Beginners. A Central PA native, she graduated from HACC and Lebanon Valley College, has a home in the Florida Keys and loves chocolate with sea salt.
CREDITS : Attendees must enter the 1 PDU for the monthly meetings into the CCRS system. PDUs for monthly meetings do not get updated automatically for attendees.
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