PMI Keystone Chapter - Virtual Monthly Event - October 7th 2021 - York Managed

Power Skills

TOPIC: Be Awesome! Delight Customers! Foster Joy in Your Teams!  Disciplined Agile – A holistic approach to Project Management

PRESENTATION SUMMARY:  Project management is an exciting, fulfilling and often frustrating profession. The daily ups and downs and the pressures from all around can often be overwhelming. Here is the good news. With the right set of tools, knowledge, and skills, you can be successful in any project environment! 

Disciplined Agile provides you with the most comprehensive toolkit imaginable for project managers. And it comes with a noticeably clear set of instructions that leads us, step-by-step, through a continuous improvement process. You do not need agile experience! The toolkit provides options and a path forward for any project environment.

In this presentation we will explain the four layers of the Disciplined Agile toolkit, and briefly drill down through a process goal example. You will see that as a Project Manager this enterprise-level approach to Project Management can help you, your teams, and your entire organization to better serve your stakeholders, communities, and indeed – help to make the world a better place!

We invite you to join Lisa and Dave for an overview of Disciplined Agile and see how this incredibly practical toolkit can help you and your teams work toward ever-increasing levels of success!

Learning Objectives

  • Review the Principles, Promises, and Guidelines of Disciplined Agile
  • Understand the objective of Guided Continuous Improvement
  • Learn to use the Agile toolkit to proactively make improvements in your environment

TALENT TRIANGLE: 1 PDU - 0.5 Leadership, 0.5 Technical

LOCATION: Virtual Live Online via Zoom.

LOGON INSTRUCTIONS: Registration is required to obtain Zoom logon information. Upon registration, and an automated acknowledgement containing the Zoom logon instructions will be emailed to you. Also registrants will receive an event reminder with Zoom logon instructions from on the event day.


Leadership Techniques, LLC
David B. Newman and Lisa Hammer are co-founders and principals of Leadership Techniques, LLC and are Authorized Training Partners (ATPs) with the PMI.

More Details: Oct-7-2021_PMI-Keystone-Chapter-York-Event-Flyer.pdf




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Type of category: Online Event

Type of activity: Power Skills, Ways of Working

Date: October 7th, 2021

Hour: 6:20PM to 8:00PM

# of PDUs: 1


Students: Free

Members: Free

Non members and Guests: $5.00
